Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Facebook group on Energy Democracy

When I decided to pursue my M.A. at the University for Peace, it was for a number of reasons. One of the central ones was to find a new focus for my personal work. I felt that I needed to tie together my work in conflict resolution, environmental policy, environmental justice, renewable energy, life coaching and psychology.

A great deal of this has been about looking inwards: who am I? what are my talents? what do I enjoy? what can I be good at and how can I make a difference doing it?

At the same time, it has also involved looking outwards, how does what I have to offer fit in the world? these things I have been asking myself all these questions about, what brings them all together?

I believe that, for the present, the best name I can give to what brings all this together is ENERGY DEMOCRACY. It seems to be a label under which everything I am professionally mobilizing to work on can come together.

So I've created a new Facebook Group with this name. I would greatly enjoy it if everyone who has been interested in reading my posts on here (and on my other blob) came by and checked it out. Hopefully it will be a lively meeting place for those interested in exploring these issues.

The link is

See you there!

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